by | Jan 14, 2019 | Evangelium

Saint Ita (c.475 – 570)



She was born in

County Limerick, at a place now called Killeedy after her. She was known for her sanctity and for her gift of prophecy and was held in veneration by a large number of saints, both men and women.


Entrance Antiphon

Upon a lofty throne, I saw a man seated, whom a host of angels adore, singing in unison: Behold him, the name of whose empire is eternal.



Attend to the pleas of your people with heavenly care, O Lord, we pray, that they may see what must be done and gain strength to do what they have seen. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


First reading: Hebrews 2:5-12

God did not appoint angels to be rulers of the world to come, and that world is what we are talking about. Somewhere there is a passage that shows us this. It runs: What is man that you should spare a thought for him, the son of man that you should care for him? For a short while you made him lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and splendour. You have put him in command of everything. Well then, if he has put him in command of everything, he has left nothing which is not under his command. At present, it is true, we are not able to see that everything has been put under his command, but we do see in Jesus one who was for a short while made lower than the angels and is now crowned with glory and splendour because he submitted to death; by God’s grace he had to experience death for all mankind. As it was his purpose to bring a great many of his sons into glory, it was appropriate that God, for whom everything exists and through whom everything exists, should make perfect, through suffering, the leader who would take them to their salvation. For the one who sanctifies, and the ones who are sanctified, are of the same stock; that is why he openly calls them brothers in the text: I shall announce your name to my brothers, praise you in full assembly.


Psalm 8: 2,5-9

R/ You gave your Son power over the works of your hand.


  1. How great is your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth! What is man that you should keep him in mind, mortal man that you care for him?


  1. Yet you have made him little less than a god; with glory and honour you crowned him,gave him power over the works of your hand, put all things under his feet.


3.All of them, sheep and cattle, yes, even the savage beasts, birds of the air, and fish that make their way through the waters.


Gospel Acclamation : Jn 1:21

Alleluia, alleluia!Accept and submit to the word which has been planted in you and can save your souls. Alleluia!


Gospel : Mark 1: 21-28

Jesus and his followers went as far as Capernaum, and as soon as the sabbath came he went to the synagogue and began to teach. And his teaching made a deep impression on them because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority. In their synagogue just then there was a man possessed by an unclean spirit and it shouted, ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.’ But Jesus said sharply, ‘Be quiet! Come out of him!’ And the unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions and with a loud cry went out of him. The people were so astonished that they started asking each other what it all meant. ‘Here is a teaching that is new’ they said ‘and with authority behind it: he gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him.’ And his reputation rapidly spread everywhere, through all the surrounding Galilean countryside.


Prayer over the Offerings

May your people’s oblation, O Lord, find favour with you, we pray, that it may restore them to holiness and obtain what they devoutly entreat. Through Christ our Lord.


Communion Antiphon : Ps 35: 10

With you, O Lord, is the fountain of life, and in your light we see light.


Prayer after Communion

Humbly we ask you, almighty God, be graciously pleased to grant that those you renew with your Sacraments may also serve with lives pleasing to you. Through Christ our Lord.




“He gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him.” That is just how powerful Jesus Christ is. All evil spirits and demons, and Satan himself, succumb to his authority; when he speaks, they obey. By his death and resurrection, he has been made perfect and has received authority over all things and all living beings in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth. There is nothing he cannot do for you. There is no difficulty he cannot resolve; no problem he cannot solve. Allow him to purify you from your sins. Listen to his teaching and let him make you a member.