by | Sep 19, 2022 | Evangelium

Tuesday 20th  September 2022


St. Andrew Kim Taegon,

Paul Chong Hasang,

and companions


17th century Korea fought to stop Christianity by executions. Andrew Kim Taegon, the first Korean priest, who secretly trained in Macao, was executed in 1846. A lay apostle, St Paul Chong Hasang, and many others perished at the same time.



Entrance Antiphon

The blood of the holy Martyrs was poured out for Christ upon the earth; therefore they have gained everlasting rewards.



O God, who have been pleased to increase your adopted children in all the world, and who made the blood of the Martyrs Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gon and his companions a most fruitful seed of Christians, grant that we may be defended by their help and profit always from their example. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


First reading : Proverbs 21:1-6,10-13

Like flowing water is the heart of the king in the hand of the Lord, who turns it where he pleases. A man’s conduct may strike him as upright, the Lord, however, weighs the heart. To act virtuously and with justice is more pleasing to the Lord than sacrifice. Haughty eye, proud heart, lamp of the wicked, nothing but sin. The hardworking man is thoughtful, and all is gain; too much haste, and all that comes of it is want. To make a fortune with the help of a lying tongue, such the idle fantasy of those who look for death. The wicked man’s soul is intent on evil, he looks on his neighbour with dislike. When a mocker is punished, the ignorant man grows wiser, when a wise man is instructed he acquires more knowledge. The Just One watches the house of the wicked: he hurls the wicked to destruction. He who shuts his ear to the poor man’s cry shall himself plead and not be heard.


Psalm 118:1,27,30,34-35,44

R/  Guide me, Lord, in the path of your commands.


  1. They are happy whose life is blameless, who follow God’s law! Make me grasp the way of your precepts and I will muse on your wonders.
  2. I have chosen the way of truth with your decrees before me. Train me to observe your law, to keep it with my heart.
  3. Guide me in the path of your commands; for there is my delight. I shall always keep your law for ever and ever.


Gospel Acclamation : cf.Ps129:5

Alleluia, alleluia! My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word. Alleluia!


Gospel : Luke 8:19-21

The mother and the brothers of Jesus came looking for him, but they could not get to him because of the crowd. He was told, ‘Your mother and brothers are standing outside and want to see you’ But he said in answer, ‘My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.’


Prayer over the Offerings

Look with favour, almighty God, on the offerings of your people and, through the intercession of the blessed Martyrs, grant that we ourselves may become a sacrifice acceptable to you for the salvation of all the world. Through Christ our Lord.


Communion Antiphon : Mt 10: 32

Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father, says the Lord.


Prayer after Communion

Nourished with the food of the valiant as we celebrate the blessed Martyrs, we humbly ask you, O Lord, that, clinging faithfully to Christ, we may labour in the Church for the salvation of all. Through Christ our Lord.



Family is everything. No one fell from the sky; we are all from families and all have parents given to us by God. We therefore, we belong to natural families within the supernatural family of God. Every time we fall short of this knowledge, it leads us to sin. As much as Jesus supports the natural family and our inalienability in this institution, this supernatural dimension is equally what Jesus is pointing to by bringing out another level of relationship; He makes us understand that the deepest relationship of life is not merely a blood relationship. He pointed to another reality of spiritual kinship, that is, the family of God. Let us make our families a better place by loving and forgiving, reading the Word/Scriptures and sharing together, spending time with them, bringing joy and happiness to each one, dining together, getting to know how each and every one is doing, and much more.