by | Nov 3, 2022 | Evangelium

Friday 04 th november 2022


St. Charles Borromeo

(1538 – 1584)


Charles Borromeo was a leading figure of the Catholic Reformation. He worked on the catechism, the Missal and the Breviary, and reformed his own diocese as well as he could from a distance through trusted deputies. Charles died on 3 November 1584 at the age of 46.


Entrance Antiphon

The Lord chose him for himself as high priest, and, opening his treasure house, made him rich in all good things.



Preserve in the midst of your people, we ask, O Lord, the spirit with which you filled the Bishop Saint Charles Borromeo, that your Church may be constantly renewed and, by conforming herself to the likeness of Christ, may show his face to the world. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


First reading : Philippians 3:17-4:1

My brothers, be united in following my rule of life. Take as your models everybody who is already doing this and study them as you used to study us. I have told you often, and I repeat it today with tears, there are many who are behaving as the enemies of the cross of Christ. They are destined to be lost. They make foods into their god and they are proudest of something they ought to think shameful; the things they think important are earthly things. For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. He will do that by the same power with which he can subdue the whole universe. So then, my brothers and dear friends, do not give way but remain faithful in the Lord. I miss you very much, dear friends; you are my joy and my crown.


Psalm 121(122):1-5

R/ I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’


  1. I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’ And now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem.
  2. Jerusalem is built as a city strongly compact. It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord.
  3. For Israel’s law it is, there to praise the Lord’s name. There were set the thrones of judgement of the house of David.


Gospel Acclamation : 2Co5:19

Alleluia, alleluia! God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself, and he has entrusted to us the news that they are reconciled. Alleluia!


Gospel : Luke 16:1-8

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘There was a rich man and he had a steward denounced to him for being wasteful with his property. He called for the man and said, “What is this I hear about you? Draw me up an account of your stewardship because you are not to be my steward any longer.” Then the steward said to himself, “Now that my master is taking the stewardship from me, what am I to do? Dig? I am not strong enough. Go begging? I should be too ashamed. Ah, I know what I will do to make sure that when I am dismissed from office there will be some to welcome me into their homes.”  Then he called his master’s debtors one by one. To the first he said, “How much do you owe my master?” “One hundred measures of oil” was the reply. The steward said, “Here, take your bond; sit down straight away and write fifty.” To another he said, “And you, sir, how much do you owe?” “One hundred measures of wheat” was the reply. The steward said, “Here, take your bond and write eighty.” ‘The master praised the dishonest steward for his astuteness. For the children of this world are more astute in dealing with their own kind than are the children of light.’


Prayer over the Offerings

Look, O Lord, upon the offering placed on your altar in commemoration of Saint Charles, and grant by the power of this sacrifice that, as you made him an attentive pastor, outstanding in the merit of his virtues, so you may make us abound in good fruit by our works. Through Christ our Lord.


Communion Antiphon : Cf. Jn 10: 11

The Good Shepherd has laid down his life for his sheep.


Prayer after Communion

May the sacred mysteries of which we have partaken, O Lord, we pray, give us that determination which made Saint Charles faithful in ministry and fervent in charity. Through Christ our Lord.



The search for role models is as intense in today’s world. This is because life is more than mere words. Actions or conduct count a great deal when persons are assessed; people want to see how it is done and not simply listen to what is being said.  Just as St. Paul told the Corinthians in 1 Cor. 11:1 “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ,” St. Paul reminds the Philippians to follow his rule of life (Phil 3:17). Our lives as Christians must give concrete testimony to the faith we profess. If we lived our lives believing that people look up to us as icons of goodness, we would probably be better witnesses of Christ and the salt of the earth.