Today the General Government has started a course to assist the new Major Superiors to equip themselves to assume the responsibility of leadership in their respective Organisms in the spirit of the Gospel so that, in exercising the service of authority, they discern and act ‘according to God’s heart’, to accompany persons, to foster missionary cooperation, to promote creativity and innovation that the Spirit requires in every time and place (MS 72).
There will be a total of four units. Each week will deal with the themes of one unit. Some reading materials will be provided or recommended by the animators/facilitators of each unit for personal reading and assimilation by the participants.
The period of the course will be 1 February – 1 March 2021. This is done through zoom. There are weekly video conferences according to Central European Time: GMT+1) scheduled as follows :
English session: 9-12.30.
Spanish session:15-18.30.
Each unit will have one weekly video conference consisting of two sessions of 90 minutes with a break of 30 minutes in between.
The course work is all about
* the personal work of each Major Superior (reading, study, … individual),
* the meetings with the superiors through zoom (dialogue, exchanges, sharing, …),
* a final meeting through zoom with all the Provincial Councils / Governments.
This program is in view to ensure proper qualification and support for those who will provide the services of animation (MS 72.1).