Saint Antony was first of all an Augustinian monk, and later a Franciscan. Illness prevented him going to Africa to preach. His sermons are full of gentleness, but he reproved the wicked with fearless severity – especially backsliding clergy and the oppressors of the weak.
Entrance Antiphon: Cf. Sir 15: 5
In the midst of the Church he opened his mouth, and the Lord filled him with the spirit of wisdom and understanding and clothed him in a robe of glory.
Almighty ever-living God, who gave Saint Anthony of Padua to your people as an outstanding preacher and an intercessor in their need, grant that, with his assistance, as we follow the teachings of the Christian life, we may know your help in every trial. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
First reading: 2 Corinthians 1: 18-22
I swear by God’s truth, there is no Yes and No about what we say to you. The Son of God, the Christ Jesus that we proclaimed among you – I mean Silvanus and Timothy and I – was never Yes and No: with him it was always Yes, and however many the promises God made, the Yes to them all is in him. That is why it is ‘through him’ that we answer Amen to the praise of God. Remember it is God himself who assures us all, and you, of our standing in Christ, and has anointed us, marking us with his seal and giving us the pledge, the Spirit, that we carry in our hearts.
Psalm 118(119): 129-133, 135
R/ Let your face shine on your servant.
Your will is wonderful indeed; therefore I obey it. The unfolding of your word gives light and teaches the simple.
I open my mouth and I sigh as I yearn for your commands. Turn and show me your mercy; show justice to your friends.
Let my steps be guided by your promise; let no evil rule me. Let your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees.
Gospel Acclamation: Ph 2: 15-16
Alleluia, alleluia! You will shine in the world like bright stars because you are offering it the word of life. Alleluia!
Gospel: Matthew 5: 13-16
Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes tasteless, what can make it salty again? It is good for nothing, and can only be thrown out to be trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill-top cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven.”
Prayer over the Offerings
May the sacrifice which we gladly present on the feast day of Saint Anthony of Padua, be pleasing to you, O God, for, taught by him, we, too, give ourselves entirely to you in praise. Through Christ our Lord.
Communion Antiphon: Cf. Lk 12
Behold a faithful and prudent steward to give them their allowance of food at the proper time.
Prayer after Communion
Through Christ the teacher, O Lord, instruct those you feed with Christ, the living Bread, that on the feast day of Saint Anthony of Padua they may learn your truth and express it in works of charity. Through Christ our Lord.
We are salt and light proclaimed by Jesus himself. Salt, because we are bearers of the Gospel of Jesus, and only this Good News can give to the existence of men its true taste. The Gospel has already penetrated our lives and we have let the Spirit of the Lord work in us. We are light by virtue of our baptism. And having received the seal of the Spirit and the commitment of our life, we are disciples of Jesus in the eyes of all. We can no longer hide just like a city on a mountain top. We cannot give up being light anymore than a lamp that has just been lit and placed on the lampstand to light up all those in the house.