After visiting all our communities and mission, talking to each member of the Delegation and dialogues with some Bishops, May 06 was a very special day for our Delegation. It was a day of three very important meetings.
1. Meeting with local Superiors and members of the enlarged Council
The meeting began at 8.30am with Eucharistic Adoration. Afterwards, VRF Henry Omonisaye, cmf made an echo of his visit in the Delegation. Going through the three processes of transformation, he expounded on the seeds of life and weeds in the Delegation. He thanked the brothers for their vocation and for the visible signs of growth in our Delegation. He encouraged all to continue serving God in their various communities and missions. He praised the Delegation for the significant growth from the last canonical visit that took place in 2017. Finally he insisted on the need of reorganising of our different communities and promoting the “Ut Unum Sint” in the Delegation.

2. Meeting with the Préfecture or Bible and Communications, Cybermissionaries, Secretary, and Council
In his capacity as General Prefect of Bible and Communication, Fr Henry had a formation with members of this prefecture. He explained the various components of the prefecture. He equally encouraged the Delegation to continue all the great initiatives in the Bible ministry and publications. On this note, he prayed that initiatives like Bible Weeks, Bible Quizzes, Bible Festivals, and Scriptura Bible Copying should continue. He encouraged the team to continue serving to strengthen the Biblical Pastoral Ministry in Dioceses as requested by some Bishops. Father Henry also thanked the members for the services in translations.

3. Meeting with the Council
The last meeting of the day was with the council members. After making a general overview of the visit, Fr Henry thanked the members for organising the visit so well and insisted on the need for teamwork and confidentiality among the members.

The visit to the Delegation was really a time of animation. The visitor encouraged the members to keep fraternity and fidelity as watchwords. In a Thanksgiving mass to officially close the visit, the Major Superior, on May 8, 2024, for journeying with the Delegation and visiting even the most challenging peripheries. During the intercessory prayers, Fr. Henry officially closed the visit. At the end of the mass, he again thanked the Delegation for the significant growth and prayed for all the members.
We thank Father General for sending Father Henry to our Delegation for the Canonical Visitation.

In community, Ut Unum Sint