Friday 28 JUNE

by | Jun 27, 2024 | Evangelium

Saint Irenaeus,

Bishop, Martyr (130 – 202)


Irenaeus was born in Smyrna, (now Izmir in Turkey) and emigrated to Lyons, in France, where he eventually became the bishop. Irenaeus fought against  many heresies especially  the Gnostics and  Valentinians.

Entrance Antiphon: Mal 2: 6         

The law of truth was in his mouth;no dishonesty was found on his lips. He walked with me in integrity and peace, and turned many away from evil.


O God, who called the Bishop Saint Irenaeus to confirm true doctrine and the peace of the Church, grant, we pray, through his intercession, that, being renewed in faith and charity, we may always be intent on fostering unity and concord. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

First reading: 2 Kings 25:1-12       

In the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came with his whole army to attack Jerusalem; he pitched camp in front of the city and threw up earthworks round it. The city lay under siege till the eleventh year of King Zedekiah. In the fourth month, on the ninth day of the month, when famine was raging in the city and there was no food for the populace, a breach was made in the city wall. At once, the king made his escape under cover of dark, with all the fighting men, by way of the gate between the two walls, which is near the king’s garden – the Chaldaeans had surrounded the city – and made his way towards the Arabah. The Chaldaean troops pursued the king and caught up with him in the plains of Jericho, where all his troops deserted. The Chaldaeans captured the king and took him to the king of Babylon at Riblah, who passed sentence on him. He had the sons of Zedekiah slaughtered before his eyes, then put out Zedekiah’s eyes and, loading him with chains, carried him off to Babylon.  In the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month – it was in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon – Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, an officer of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem. He burned down the Temple of the Lord, the royal palace and all the houses in Jerusalem. The Chaldaean troops who accompanied the commander of the guard demolished the walls surrounding Jerusalem. Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, deported the remainder of the population left behind in the city, the deserters who had gone over to the king of Babylon, and the rest of the common people. The commander of the guard left some of the humbler country people as vineyard workers and ploughmen.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm


R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!

By the rivers of Babylon there we sat and wept,  remembering Zion; on the poplars that grew there we hung up our harps.

For it was there that they asked us,  our captors, for songs, our oppressors, for joy ‘Sing to us,’ they said, ‘one of Zion’s songs.’

O how could we sing the song of the Lord on alien soil? If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand wither!

O let my tongue  cleave to my mouth  if I remember you not, if I prize not Jerusalem above all my joys!

Gospel Acclamation: Ps144:13  

Alleluia, alleluia! The Lord is faithful in all his words and loving in all his deeds. Alleluia!

Gospel: Matthew 8:1-4  

After Jesus had come down from the mountain large crowds followed him. A leper now came up and bowed low in front of him. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘if you want to, you can cure me.’ Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him and said, ‘Of course I want to! Be cured!’ And his leprosy was cured at once. Then Jesus said to him, ‘Mind you do not tell anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest and make the offering prescribed by Moses, as evidence for them.’

Prayer over the Offerings              

May the sacrifice we offer you with joy on the heavenly birthday of Saint Irenaeus bring you glory, O Lord, and instill in us a love of the truth, so that we may keep the Church’s faith inviolate and her unity secure. Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon: Jn 15: 4-5               

Remain in me, as I remain in you, says the Lord.Whoever remains in me, and I in him, bears fruit in plenty.

Prayer after Communion              

Through these sacred mysteries, we pray, O Lord, give us in your compassion an increase of that faith which brought glory to the Bishop Saint Irenaeus as he maintained it even until death, and may the same faith bring to us, who truly follow it, justification in your sight. Through Christ our Lord.


When we honestly and sincerely meet Jesus, our story changes. In today’s gospel passage, the leper sincerely met with Christ and showed faith. His story changed. Leprosy was often looked upon as an external manifestation of sin in antiquities. Like leprosy, sin leaves us in a pitiful state, helpless and despairing. Whether sin or disease, Jesus, moved by passion, is always ready to heal us and strengthen our faith. He delights in pouring out his power on those who approach him in humility and trust. Where is your faith? Do you truly and sincerely believe in Jesus Christ? Let us pray to God to grant and increase our faith.